(You Hit the Wrong Note) Billy Goat


Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, August 2018

I love goats. They make me laugh, they fill my belly and when sitting on the back of a motorbike in Lao with the world going blurrily past the ring of their bells herald something happening; a village coming up, a place to stop and eat or well, maybe just a few goats feeding on the scrub at the side of the road.

If you visit Peshawar, Pakistan you’ll see shops full of them, not necessarily just in a butchers shop, restaurant or a livestock market but in the street not far from a mobile phone or slingshot shop. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to stop and peruse the shelves for the latest model and the vendor was too busy with his already intrigued customer whilst looking for the next buyer but I did have a second to click on my camera.

When walking past such shops it is hard for me to know whether theyare selling goats or boats but my brother knows what I like and was quick to point out the goat shop. By snapping a quick pic I can take the whole herd home with me. I can see that the goats seem to be a different breed to those we occasionally see here in Australia. I can see the grime covered salesmen. The bright blue paint on a crumbling wall and the mess inside and outside of the shop. By taking a quick photo I can see. Who wouldn’t want to see a goat shop?